Now is the time to gear up for our annual budget requests.
Within this page, there are connections available to you for completing the budget requisition forms for the next school year as well as information concerning the School Specialty website for ordering supplies. Please click on the necessary link below to complete your supply requests.
>>>Budget Packets are now available for SY 2023-2024.<<<
Budget Packets: All completed budget packets are due to your building-level secretaries by Friday, February 10, 2023. Curriculum requests are to be sent to Suzy Foresman, Supervisor of Curriculum and Instruction, by Friday, February 10, 2023. Technology requests (excluding routine items such as printer cartridges and flash drives) are to be sent to Eric Gee, Director of Technology, by Friday, February 10, 2023.
School Specialty: Click here to access School Specialty – Usernames and passwords are the same as the previous year. Newly hired teachers should contact Vicki Bair, Accounts Payable, to set up usernames and passwords for School Specialty. Please contact Vicki if you have any problems logging in to that website.
If you have any questions concerning the budget requisition forms, please contact Kyle Winton, Staff Accountant,