It is Safe2Say

Donald E. Schick Library

Welcome to the Donald E. Schick Elementary Library

We encourage students to explore resources to promote their curiosity, desire for information, and enjoyment of literature.  Our library media center houses a collection of approximately 30,000 volumes, and we circulate approximately 15,000 books per school year—our elementary school services students from Kindergarten through Fifth Grade.  Per most grade levels, each class has a library scheduled once per six-day cycle for independent reading for pleasure.  The library staff is eager to help with your research, materials, and pleasure reading needs.


Provide a safe and secure environment for students, promoting the love of reading and information.  Implementation of this mission is provided by:

  • Supplying print and digital resources that support the educational philosophy of Loyalsock Township School District
  • Collaboration with faculty, staff, and administration
  • An environment encouraging reading for pleasure
  • An environment in which growth is encouraged through a wide variety of opportunities and resources
Elementary Library Resources

All Services can be accessed via class link

AccessIt NEW Card Catalog Search System: Together, our media centers provide many valuable resources for our patrons, students, and teachers.  The library houses approximately 35,000 physical resources cataloged in our online AccessIt database.  Books are cataloged using the Dewey Decimal system.   AccessIt® is the leading library management system for K-12 schools worldwide.  AccessIt combines the power of Sora, our physical resource collection, and multiple databases into a powerful resource for students and faculty alike.  A significant update for this school year is the introduction of single sign-on via Classlink. This allows students and faculty to access personalized dashboards, which include suggested read lists and loan information.

On-Demand E-Library:  Sora (Overdrive) e-library is available to all students on their school-issued iPads.  The e-library comprises various titles, which can be accessed in school or at home.  This is a rapid and responsive way to meet students’ reading materials needs or desires.  Many book titles can be added at the student’s request and will appear on the student’s iPad within a few hours.  This service is found via the AccessIt catalog this year for ease of use and a more effective selection of resources.

Pennsylvania’s E-Library and Database:  POWER Library gives Pennsylvanians access to authoritative, subscription-only information unavailable through free search engines or web directories.  Publishers of the e-resources in POWER LIBRARY have carefully checked them for accuracy.

Epic:  Epic is the world’s most extensive digital library for kids!  This fun, kid-safe, interactive reading app fuels curiosity and reading confidence by letting kids freely explore their interests with instant access to 40,000+ books, audiobooks, learning videos, and more.  App codes are provided and promoted by various teachers throughout the school district.  Students can access free content during the school day, but a paid registration is required for use after school hours.

SwankSwank K-12 Streaming offers access to 30,000 movies and documentaries for academic use at K-12 schools through our easy, safe, and legal streaming platform.  Teachers can show movies in the classroom or assign homework without the hassle of DVD equipment or blocked personal streaming accounts.  This service is accessed via classlink.


District Librarian

Justin Van Fleet

(570) 326 3581 (ex. 1309)

Schick Elementary Librarian

Heather Pipech

(570) 326 3554 (ex. 1110)

Schick Elementary Library Professional

Karen Smith

(570) 326 3554 (ex. 1110)

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