It is Safe2Say

Pre-K Needs Assessment

The Loyalsock Township School District is gathering data to determine the need for Pre-Kindergarten Programs for residents of the Loyalsock Township.  We ask that Township residents take a few minutes to complete the survey. Individual results are anonymous, and the data collected will be used within our grant application for the upcoming school year.   Pennsylvania Pre-K Counts provides high-quality pre-kindergarten services to at-risk three- and four-year-olds at no cost to families. Children living in families earning up to 300 percent of the federal poverty level can apply. Pennsylvania Pre-K Counts is offered in school districts, Keystone STARS 3 and 4 childcare programs, Head Start programs, and licensed nursery schools.

Thank you in advance for taking the time to complete the survey.  Please feel free to share the link or the QR code with any township resident that may not have received this information.  The more comprehensive the needs assessment data, the better.

Suzanne Foresman,

Supervisor of Curriculum and Instruction


Pre-K Needs Assessment

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