It is Safe2Say

Grade 7 Team

Welcome to Seventh Grade!

Dear 7th Grader and Families,

As everyone is gearing up for another school year full of excitement and achievement, your teachers want to take a moment to welcome you to seventh grade. We are dedicated to helping every student to reach his or her potential and have an engaging and challenging year planned! We truly look forward to making this a memorable and successful year for everyone.

Material List

The following is a list of recommended 7th grade level school supplies which your child will need to begin the school year. Additional supplies may be required throughout the school year.

  • Composition notebooks (3)
    • 1 for reading 
    • 1 for science
    • 1 for writing 
  • One-inch binders (3)
    • 1 for math        
    • 1 for social studies
    • 1 for Writing
  • Pocket folders (2)
    • 1 for social studies
    • 1 for writing
  • Five divider tabs: 2 packs 
    • (math & writing)
  • Filler paper for binders
  • Pencils (2 packages) 
  • Pencil sharpener
  • Earbuds to keep w/iPad
  • Zipper pouch for supplies 
  • Highlighters (4 colors)
  • Colored pencils (8-12 pack)
  • Glue stick 
  • Scotch tape 
  • Scissors (1 pair)

Homework is listed in the 7th Grade Learning Hub.

Grade 7 Team  Staff:  To contact a teacher please call 570-323-9439 with extension or send an email.

Mr. J. Gardner (social studies)       Ext. 1229  Email:

Mr. D. Godin (ELA writing)              Ext. 1230  Email:

Miss A. Hook  (mathematics)       Ext. 1228  Email:

Mrs. S. Puderbach (science)              Ext. 1244  Email:

Mrs. B. Rohrer (ELA reading)           Ext. 1246  Email:

Ms. J. Ziminski (learning support)  Ext. 1256  Email:

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