It is Safe2Say

Administrative Team

District K12 Services

Business Office

Mr. Dan Egly – Business Manager

Phone – 326-6508 x 1004

Curriculum and Instruction

Dr. Teri Key – Supervisor

Phone – 570 – 326- 6508 -1005

District Special Education

Mrs. Lisa Fisher – Director

Phone 570-326-6508 – 1011


Mr. Eric Gee – Director

Phone – 570 – 323-9439 x 1217

Building Level

High School

Mrs. Ashley Sekel – HS Principal

Phone – 570 -326-3581 x 1302

Mr. Bradley Grey – HS Dean of Students

Phone – 570 -326-3581 x 1304

Middle School

Mrs. Rachelle Ackerman – MS Principal

Phone – 570 – 323-9439 x 1202

Mrs. Dayne Waller – MS Asst. Principal

Phone – 570-323-9439 x1204

Donald E. Schick Elementary

Mr. Marc Walter –  Principal

Phone – 570 – 326-3554 x 1102

Ms Elizabeth Myers –  Asst. Principal

Phone – 570 – 326- 3554 x 1108

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