25-26 Kindergarten Registration begins January 15, 2025. See below.
Coming Soon: 25-26 Pre K Application Nights
Welcome to the Loyalsock Township School District. Our district utilizes an online pre-registration process. We also have centralized registration located at our district office to better assist our families. A variety of student enrollment information and resources are available on this page. Please be sure to read ALL the information to ensure that the enrollment process moves as quickly and smoothly as possible.
If you have any questions regarding Registration please contact Susan Iachini, Central Registration Secretary at 570-326-6508 ext.1001 or email
Who Can Enroll A Student
Parents or court appointed guardians living in the Loyalsock Township School District may enroll a student. (Note: Exceptions apply to homeless youth according to the McKinney-Vento Act, migrant, and foster students.) A student living with someone other than a parent will be registered in accordance with guidelines set by PA Public School Code section 24 P.S. 13-1302.
Student Enrollment
Parents/Guardians wishing to enroll or re-enroll a student should complete the online pre-registration prior to scheduling an appointment with the central registration office.
Our central registration office is located at the District Service Center, 1605 Four Mile Drive, Williamsport, PA 17701.
Prior to starting the registration process, we recommend the parents review the parent packet documents either online click here or if you prefer paper stop by the district office to receive the paper packet. The online pre-registration process will ask you to acknowledge your review of the online registration information and online parent documentation.
Paper enrollment packets are always available at the District Service Center during regular office hours – 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. M-F.
IMPORTANT – Please review these instructions before beginning the process.
For new families to the Loyalsock Township School District,
click on the Online Pre-Registration Process Link below,
then click on the “Online Registration” link which is located below the Parent Portal login boxes.
For families with students currently enrolled in the Loyalsock Township School District,
click on the Online Pre-Registration Process Link below and log into your Parent Portal account,
then click on the “Register New Student” button on the right side your portal home screen.
You are advised to utilize the same contacts you are using for your current students.
If you would like to make contact changes, please call Susan Iachini 570-326-6508 ext. 1001.
Always number your contacts 1, 2, 3, 4, and so forth.
If you do not have a Parent Portal Account or cannot remember your username and password,
click on the Online Pre-Registration Process Link below, then click on the “Online Registration” link which is located below the Parent Portal login.
Online Pre-Registration recommendations:
Use Google Chrome for best results. Apple and mobile devices may not work.
Submit your registration within 60 minutes or the system may timeout due to inactivity.
Make sure you have a strong internet connection. If you receive an error, most times it is a connectivity issue.
Online Pre-Registration Link –
After completing the pre-registration process online, the parent/guardian will receive a confirmation email from our system and a second email directly from the Central Registration Secretary within 72 hours. The second email will explain the next step in the registration process. The Central Registration Secretary will suggest an appointment day and time for the parents to present documents and complete the enrollment process. Please refer to this checklist regarding necessary documentation:
Parent/Guardian must provide the following documentation when meeting with the Central Registration Secretary:
Any questions or concerns regarding this process or to make alternate arrangements for documentation,
please contact Susan Iachini at 570-326-6508 ext.1001 or
Kindergarten Registration 25-26
Children registering for kindergarten must turn five years old on or before August 31, of the school year in which they are enrolling.
The process for kindergarten begins January 15 and continues through March 31. (Please contact Susan Iachini if you are not able to register during this time.)
Please follow the steps below.
REMEMBER: Students are not officially registered until the parent meets with the Central Registration Secretary to present the required documentation.
Student Withdraw
When a parent wishes to withdraw a student from our district, the parent should report to the school office of the building where the child currently attends and begin the withdrawal process with the building secretary.
Change of Address
Anytime you change your address the District MUST HAVE proof of your new address before a change is made to busing or demographic information is updated in our student management system. – Click here to change your address online or contact Susan Iachini at 570-326-6508 ext. 1001 or