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Lancer Learning Institute

Welcome to the Lancer Learning Institute 

Providing customized learning experiences for all students.

Lancer Learning Institute (LLI) is a collaborative effort between Loyalsock Township School District, our families, and our students. Our virtual courses meet the increasing demand for high-quality student instruction that incorporates proven online learning practices and next-generation software. The key objectives of the program are to meet the needs of students by increasing on-line learning options.

What is Lancer Learning Institute?

Lancer Learning Institute (LLI) is a cyber services program that enables students to remain enrolled in their home school district while participating in an online learning experience. Our program is not a cyber charter school and is tuition-free to all families residing in our school district.

The Lancer Learning Institute allows students to receive a diploma from their home school district. It provides full-time enrollment opportunities for students who may be considering on-line learning options.

LLI students will complete their coursework entirely online or a portion of their coursework online and a portion within the school building. All LLI students are members of the school community and are eligible to participate in school activities.

Review our LLI student expectations

LLI Handbook and Registration Form


LLI Vision

Our school without walls

LLI Goals

We will be flexible to meet our students’ schedules

We will be adaptable to fit our students’ needs

We will maintain the highest degree of student satisfaction

What are some of the benefits of the Loyalsock Lancer Learning Institute offered by the Loyalsock Township School District?

Graduate with a Loyalsock diploma
Self-paced courses, completely online with 24/7 access
Attend and participate in Loyalsock extracurricular activities
Ongoing monitoring, support, and parent communication



To learn more about our program, contact us.




Lancer Learning Institute

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